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Friday, November 15, 2013



          Actually, infinite the world is the life condition of the world that will be influenced of globalization. Currently, the development of globalization in the world was developed rapidly between both of science and technology. Especially about information technology, communication and transformation. It makes the world only if unite be the world village, so the world be without limit.

        This condition can make the impact for the life aspects to form a community, have a nation and have a state. It can influence about thinking pattern, attitude and action of human itself. The limitation of quality of Indonesia’s human resources is the big problem in facing the globalization about scince and technology.

        The science and technology developing and global society developing concerned by infinite the world is one of the Indonesia’s challenging , remembering developing that it will influence of Indonesia society about thinking pattern, attitude and action of human resources itself.

          To get face global force, a state must reduce the federal role and more give role to local government and society. Therefore, we can reduce the problems of Indonesia’s human resources about science and technology in the globalization.

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