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Tentang Saya

Assalaamu'alaikum wr.wb.

Before going to publish my posting to you all, allow me to introduce my self.

My name is Danny Ferdiansyah, I was born in Tanggamus Lampung. It is located in TK. Aisyiah street, Purwodadi, Gisting, Tanggamus Lampung. I have a good parents namely Sudirman,S.Pd.I and Susiati,S.Pd.I. Now, I'm looking for science in the State Islamic of College (STAIN) Jurai Siwo Metro, Lampung. Before entering in STAIN, I studied in the Boarding School of Daarul Khair, North Lampung during three years ago. My hobby is playing foootball, reading a religion book, listening the music of religi, pop and tilawah. Especially, reading of Holy Qur'an by singing it. I mean that I read the Holy Qur'an with some songs of that. It includes Bayyati, Shoba, Hijaz, Nahaawan, Roots, Siikah and Jiharkah. I'm studying it because I'm so happy and ambitious for learning it. Now, I'm learning it by hard. Although I can't to sing it perfectly, I always study and study earnest. Because it is one of the provision that I must have, which it is provision to the hereafter.

That is about me...

Thanks for your attention...
May Allah bless you all............... :)

You are what you think you are....!!!
Man Jadda Wa Jada....!!!

Wassalaamu'alaikum Wr.wb.

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