What is
Each human language is a complex of
knowledge and abilities enabling speakers of the language to communicate with
each other, to express ideas, hypotheses, emotions, desires, and all the other
things that need expressing. Linguistics is the study of these knowledge
systems in all their aspects: how is such a knowledge system structured, how is
it acquired, how is it used in the production and comprehension of messages,
how does it change over time? Linguists consequently are concerned with a
number of particular questions about the nature of language. What properties do
all human languages have in common? How do languages differ, and to what extent
are the differences systematic, i.e. can we find patterns in the differences?
How do children acquire such complete knowledge of a language in such a short
time? What are the ways in which languages can change over time, and are there
limitations to how languages change? What is the nature of the cognitive
processes that come into play when we produce and understand language?
The part of linguistics that is concerned with the
structure of language is divided into a number of subfields:
- Phonetics - the study of speech sounds
in their physical aspects
- Phonology - the study of speech sounds
in their cognitive aspects
- Morphology - the study of the formation
of words
- Syntax - the study of the formation
of sentences
- Semantics the study of meaning
- Pragmatics - the study of language use
Aside from language structure, other perspectives on
language are represented in specialized or interdisciplinary branches:
- Historical
- Sociolinguistics
- Psycholinguistics
- Ethnolinguistics
(or Anthropological Linguistics)
- Dialectology
- Computational
- Psycholinguistics
and neurolinguistics
Because language is such a central feature of being a
human, Linguistics has intellectual connections and overlaps with many other
disciplines in the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences.
Some of the closest connections are with Philosophy, Literature, Language Pedagogy,
Psychology, Sociology, Physics (acoustics), Biology (anatomy, neuroscience),
Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Health Sciences (Aphasia, Speech
The main purpose of the study of Linguistics in an
academic environment is the advancement of knowledge. However, because of the
centrality of language in human interaction and behavior, the knowledge gained
through the study of linguistics has many practical consequences and uses.
Graduates of undergraduate and graduate programs in Linguistics apply their
training in many diverse areas, including language pedagogy, speech pathology,
speech synthesis, natural language interfaces, search engines, machine
translation, forensics, naming, and of course all forms of writing, editing,
and publishing. Perhaps the most widely appreciated application was contributed
by UCSC Linguistics alumnus Marc Okrand, who invented the Klingon language for
Star Trek.
Some basics: What is linguistics and
how is it used?
What is linguistics?
Linguistics is the study of language � not just
particular languages, but the system of human communication. Some of the basic
issues of this field are?
- What is
language? How is it organized?
- How is
it analyzed? How are its units discovered and tested?
- Where
is language stored and processed in the brain? How is it learned?
- What do
all languages—including nonvocal systems of communication (e.g. writing
and sign languages)—have in common? What do these properties show us about
human cognition?
- How did
language originate? What does it have in common with animal communication?
How is it different?
- How
many distinct families or stocks of languages are there in the 6000 or so
known languages today? What original languages did they come from? How
have they changed over time?
- What
does dialectal and social variation show us about the use of language? How
has this diversity affected issues of social, political, and educational
- What is
the relationship between language and culture? Language and thought?
What are
some of the branches of linguistics?
applied linguistics: application to areas such as speech
pathology, reading, social work, missionary work, translation, dictionary
compilation, language teaching, error analysis, computer language processing.
dialectology: investigation of regional variation in language.
ethnolinguistics (anthropological linguistics): investigation of the relation
between a people's language and culture.
historical (diachronic) linguistics: study of language change and
morphology: study of word formation and inflection.
neurolinguistics: research into the specific location of language in the
paralinguistics: study of nonverbal (auxiliary) human communication.
philology: study of how language has been used in literature,
especially in older manuscripts.
phonetics: description of how speech sounds are articulated and
phonology: study of how languages organize the units of speech
into systems.
pragmatics: study of the strategies people use to carry out
communicative business in specific contexts.
psycholinguistics: investigation of language as cognitively-based
behavior; how it is acquired and processed.
second language acquisition (SLA): study of how older learners acquire
language, and of ways to improve it.
sociolinguistics: study of social variation in language: the relation
between social structure and language usage, and of social issues involving
semantics: study of word and sentence meaning.
syntax: study of the structure of sentences and of underlying
principles for generating and processing them.
How is
linguistics applied?
Many students find linguistics useful because it
broadens and deepens their understanding of related fields: languages and literature
(English and foreign), social sciences (especially anthropology, sociology, and
psychology), education, philosophy, communication... Those who obtain degrees
in linguistics often proceed to careers in:
- foreign
language teaching
- instructional
(teaching English as a second language)
- teaching
and research in general linguistics (phonology, syntax...)
- translation
(human and machine-assisted)
- speech
pathology and audiology.
Is Linguistics?
Center for Applied
Linguistics is the study of language. Knowledge
of linguistics, however, is different from knowledge of a language. Just as a
person is able to drive a car without understanding the inner workings of the
engine, so, too, can a speaker use a language without any conscious knowledge
of its internal structure. Conversely, a linguist can know and understand the
internal structure of a language without actually speaking it.
A linguist, then, is not an individual who speaks
more than one language, more accurately called polyglot or bilingual
or multilingual. Rather, a linguist is concerned with language as a
human phenomenon. Linguists study grammar, the social and psychological aspects
of language use, and the relationships among languages, both historical and
present-day. The field of linguistics, like any complex field, includes several
major divisions.
Formal Linguistics
Formal linguistics is the study of the structures
and processes of language, that is, how language works and is organized. Formal
linguists study the structures of different languages, and by identifying and
studying the elements common among them, seek to discover the most efficient
way to describe language in general. There are three main schools of thought in
formal linguistics:
(1) The traditional, or prescriptive,
approach to grammar is probably familiar to most of us. It is what we are
usually taught in school. "A noun is a person, place, or thing" is a
typical definition in a traditional grammar. Such grammars typically prescribe
rules of correct or preferred usage.
(2) Structural linguistics, a principally
American phenomenon of the mid-20th century, is typified by the work of Leonard
Bloomfield, who drew on ideas of the behaviorist school of psychology.
Structuralists are primarily concerned with phonology, morphology, and syntax
(described below). They focus on the physical features of utterances with
little regard for meaning or lexicon (Crystal, 1980). They divide words into
form classes distinguished according to grammatical features. For example, a
noun is defined in terms of its position in a sentence and its inflections,
such as the -s for plural.
(3) The generative/transformational
approach to the study of grammar was introduced by Noam Chomsky in 1957 in his
seminal work, Syntactic Structures. Here he traced a relationship
between the "deep structure" of sentences (what is in the mind) and
their "surface structure" (what is spoken or written). For example,
the surface structure of the sentence, "The postman was bitten by the
dog," was derived from the deep structure, "The dog bit the postman,"
through the application of a passive transformation. From
transformational/generative grammar arose the theory of Universal Grammar. This
widely accepted theory starts from the perception that all languages share
certain linguistic features (universals). The goal of this theory is to explain
the uniformity of language acquisition among humans despite ostensible
differences in their native languages. Since Chomsky's original proposals in
1957, numerous elaborations and alternative theories have been proposed.
Formal linguistics includes five principal areas
of study:
Phonetics is the study of the
sounds of language and their physical properties. Phonetics describes how
speech sounds are produced by the vocal apparatus (the lungs, vocal cords,
tongue, teeth, etc.) and provides a framework for their classification.
Phonology involves analyzing how
sounds function in a given language or dialect. For example, /p/ has two
possible sounds in English depending on its position in a word. If you place a
sheet of paper near your mouth and pronounce the words pin and spin,
the paper will vibrate after the /p/ in the first word but not after the same
sound in the second word. This puff of air occurs when /p/ is in the initial
position of a word in English. Phonologists examine such phonetic shifts to
construct theories about linguistic sounds in one language that can be used in
comparing linguistic systems. The analysis of sounds in different languages can
be very useful for foreign language teachers.
Morphology is the study of the
structure of words. Morphologists study minimal units of meaning, called morphemes,
and investigate the possible combinations of these units in a language to form
words. For example, the word "imperfections" is composed of four
morphemes: im + perfect + ion + s. The root, perfect,
is transformed from an adjective into a noun by the addition of ion,
made negative with im, and pluralized by s.
Syntax is the study of the
structure of sentences. Syntacticians describe how words combine into phrases
and clauses and how these combine to form sentences. For example, "I found
a coin yesterday" is embedded as a relative clause in the sentence,
"The coin that I found yesterday is quite valuable." Syntacticians
describe the rules for converting the first sentence into the second.
Semantics is the study of meaning
in language. The goal of semantic study is to explain how sequences of language
are matched with their proper meanings and placed in certain environments by
speakers of the language. The importance of meaning is revealed in the
following well known example from Chomsky (1957): "Colorless green ideas
sleep furiously." Though grammatical, this sentence is largely meaningless
in ordinary usage.
Sociolinguistics is the study of language as a
social and cultural phenomenon. The major divisions within the field of
sociolinguistics are described below.
Language Variation describes the
relationship between the use of linguistic forms and factors such as geography,
social class, ethnic group, age, sex, occupation, function, or style. The
combination of these various factors results in an individual's idiolect,
that is, their particular and idiosyncratic manner of speech. When a variety of
language is shared by a group of speakers, it is known as a dialect. A
dialect, whether standard or nonstandard, includes the full range of elements
used to produce speech: pronunciation, grammar, and interactive features. In
this respect, dialect should be distinguished from accent, which usually refers
only to pronunciation.
All speakers of a language speak a dialect of
that language. For example, the speech of an Alabaman is quite different from
that of a New Englander, even though the language spoken by both is English.
Further differentiation is possible by investigating factors such as social
class, age, sex, and occupation.
Language and Social Interaction.
This is the province of language and its function in the real world. Three
subfields of sociolinguistics investigate this relationship.
(1) Pragmatics looks at how context
affects meaning. As a function of context, the intended meaning of an utterance
is often different from its literal meaning. For example, "I'm expecting a
phone call" can have a variety of meanings. It could be a request to leave
the phone line free or a reason for not being able to leave the house; or it
could suggest to a listener who already has background information that a
specific person is about to call to convey good or bad news.
(2) Discourse analysis examines the way in
which sentences relate in larger linguistic units, such as conversational
exchanges or written texts. Matters of cohesion (the relationship between
linguistic forms and propositions) and coherence (the relationship between
speech acts) are also investigated. The links between utterances in sequence
are important topics of analysis.
(3) Ethnography of communication uses the
tools of anthropology to study verbal interaction in its social setting. One
example of ethnographic research is the study of doctor-patient communication.
Such study involves microanalysis of doctor-patient interaction, noting not
only what is said but also pauses between turns, interruptions, questioning and
response patterns, changes in pitch, and nonverbal aspects of interaction, such
as eye contact.
Language Attitudes. The attitudes
people hold toward different language varieties and the people who speak them
are important to sociolinguists. Whereas studies in language and social
interaction investigate actual language interaction, language attitude studies
explore how people react to language interactions and how they evaluate others
based on the language behavior they observe.
Language Planning is the process of
implementing major decisions regarding which languages should be used on a societal
scale. Language attitude studies are an essential component of language
planning. In the United States, issues such as establishing bilingual education
programs or whether to declare English the official language are major language
planning decisions.
It is in multilingual nations, however, that
language planning is most significant. Governments must decide which of a
country's many languages to develop or maintain and which to use for such
functions as education, government, television, and the press. Corpus
planning involves the development or simplification of writing systems,
dictionaries, and grammars for indigenous languages, in addition to the coining
of words to represent new concepts. In such contexts, language planning is an
important factor in economic, political, and social development.
Psycholinguistics is the study of the
relationship between linguistic and psychological behavior. Psycholinguists
study first and second language acquisition and how humans store and retrieve
linguistic information, referred to as verbal processing.
Language Acquisition. The study of
how humans acquire language begins with the study of child language
acquisition. Principally, two hypotheses have been put forth. The first,
deriving from the structuralist school of linguistics, holds that children
learn language through imitation and positive-negative reinforcement. This is
known as the behaviorist approach. The second, or innateness hypothesis,
proposes that the ability to acquire language is a biologically innate
capacity. Furthermore, innate language learning ability is linked to
physiological maturation and may atrophy around the time of puberty. The
innateness hypothesis derives from the generative/transformational school of
Such descriptions of language acquisition are
further tested in exploring how adults acquire language. It appears that most
adults learn language through memorization and positive-negative reinforcement:
a manifestation of the behaviorist model. Whether this is a result of the
post-pubescent decay of the innate ability described above or a result of other
psychological and cultural factors is a question of great interest to the
Verbal Processing involves
speaking, understanding, reading, and writing, and therefore includes both the
production of verbal output and reception of the output of others. For example,
although the sentences of a language may theoretically be infinitely long,
there are constraints placed on their length, as well as on their structural
characteristics, by our processing capabilities. Although we readily comprehend
"The dog bit the cat that chased the mouse that ran into the hole,"
we have some difficulty sorting out "The mouse the cat the dog bit chased
ran into the hole." Why this is so, in terms of cognition, perception, and
physiology, is of major interest to the psycholinguist.
Applied Linguistics
The findings of linguistics, like the findings of
any other theoretical study, can be applied to the solution of practical
problems, as well as to innovations in everyday areas involving language. This
is the mandate of applied linguistics. Applied linguists draw from theories of
language acquisition to develop first and second language teaching
methodologies and to implement successful literacy programs; they may draw from
theories of sociolinguistics to develop special teaching strategies for
speakers of nonstandard English. Applied linguists may also engage in language
planning by developing alphabets and grammars for unwritten languages and by
writing dictionaries. They are sometimes asked to be expert witnesses in legal
cases involving language. Computer corporations employ applied linguists to
examine speech synthesis and speech recognition by automated machines. In short,
applied linguists apply the theories and tools of formal linguistics,
sociolinguistics, and psycholinguistics in a wide variety of socially useful