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Saturday, December 5, 2015



This paper presents about the story of Ali Baba: Ali Baba and Forty Thieves, based on, is one of the stories which is contained in the One Thousand and One Nights book by one of its European translators, Antonie Galland. He wrote the story in the 18th Century, and remains one of the most popular of the tales. Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves is part of a collection of Middle-Eastern (Arabic) folk tales. This story undoubtedly a classic tale.
In this paper, the writers explain about the Synopsis of Ali Baba, the Islamic values of Ali Baba supported with relevant verse of the holy Qur’an or Hadist and “How would you use the work (the Story of Ali Baba and Forty Thieves) in a language classroom?”.
The writers hope that this paper gives many advantages not only for students, but also teachers. These advantages are: for teaching English in the classroom, giving knowledge about Islamic values and entertain to readers.


A.     Synopsis the story of : Ali Baba and Forty Thieves
This is story about Ali Baba and Forty Thieves. The story was one of tale taken from ‘Thousand and One Nights’. The setting of this story was in Baghdad during the Abbasid era. The actor in this story is Ali Baba, Cassim, Morgiana and Forty Thief


Ali Baba and his elder brother Kasim are the sons of a merchant. After the death of their father, the greedy Cassim marries a wealthy woman and becomes well-to-do, building on their father's business but Ali Baba marries a poor woman and settles into the trade of a woodcutter. Ali Baba, the poor woodcutter was in the forest when he saw forty thieves stop in front of a cave. The leader said "Open Sim Sim!" and before Ali Baba's amazed eyes the sealed mouth of the cave magically opened and the men disappeared inside.
To come out and close the entrance, the said "Close Sim Sim" and the cave sealed itself once more. Ali Baba waited till the thieves had left and then entered the cave after saying the magic words.
To his delight he found lots of treasure. Ali Baba told his brother Kasim about the wondrous cave. Kasim set off to get some treasure for himself too.
Sadly, he forgot the words to leave the cave and the thieves killed him. Ali Baba discovered his brother's body in the cave. With the help of a slave girl called Morgiana, he was able to take Kasim's body back home and bury it. Realising that someone else knew about their cave the thieves tracked Ali Baba down.
The leader, disguised as an oil seller stayed with Ali Baba. He had brought along mules loaded with forty oil jars containing the other thieves.
Clever Morgiana knew who the oil seller really was and poured boiling oil into the jars killing the other thieves. While dancing in front of the leader of the thieves Morgiana stabbed him. Ali Baba was saved and lived happily because he continue his brother bussiness.

B.     The Islamic values of Ali Baba and Forty Thieves
The Islamic values in this story are:
The story of Ali Baba and Forty Thieves offers a great example of the common Arabian Nights motif, whereby a poor man rises to riches by means of a lucky break. Allah said in holy Qur’an surah At- Takatsur verse: 1 above:
Competition in [worldly] increase diverts you.

And then holy Qur’an surah Al-Humazah verse: 1
           104:1Woe to every scorner and mocker
finally forty thieves also died with their crimes. And we know that his brother is very greedy person, when he taken a treasure he was dead with his foolishness and killed by the thieves. Moral of the story, the story suggests he will suffer because of greed . So, do not be greedy, to be a thief, and also crime to the other people.
Ali Baba is simply in the right place at the right time to learn the thieves' secret; he discovers the riches because of fate, not because of anyone else's actions. This supports the idea that even the poorest of men can come across good fortune. Of course, the story then suggests that one must capitalize on that good fortune through cleverness.

C.     The answer of the question “How would you use the work in a language classroom?”

The correlation between the story of Ali Baba and Forty Thieves and English language clasroom are:

1.      For Speaking subject: the way to teach the students in speaking course, we will ask each of the students to retell  the story of Ali Baba and forty thieves in front of the class. With retell of the story the students can improve their vocabulary, prononctiation and also knowledge about islamic story.
2.      For Reading subject: the way to teach the students in reading course, we will ask student to read the story of Ali Baba and Forty Thieves, after that let them comprehend the story. Give them the task to find the moral value in it and the student can apply the moral value of the story in the real live.
3.      For Writing subject: the way to teach students in writing course, we will ask them to make the writing. First, we will give the papers about story of Ali Baba and Forty Thieves. Then, we ask them to write down the main ideas and also the conclusion in the story. The aim from that activities is to improve their skill in the writting subject.

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